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Precautions when using corrosion-resistant chemical pumps

Date:2024-06-26   Click:

Things to note when using corrosion-resistant chemical pumps can be summarized as follows:

1. Normal working status of the pump

Ensure that the corrosion-resistant chemical pump operates within the performance parameters required by the contract to maintain the stability of the axial force within the pump.

2. Media processing

To prevent particles from entering the pump, especially when transporting media containing solid particles, a filter should be installed at the inlet of the pump flow pipe.

启航彩Pay attention to the viscosity and specific gravity of the medicinal solution to avoid excessive viscosity causing a burden on the pump.

启航彩It is strictly prohibited to evacuate the medium, which may cause damage to the pump.

3. Operation monitoring and adjustment

During operation, the temperature rise of the pump and motor should be regularly inspected. The temperature of the bearings should not be greater than 55°C, and the limit temperature should not be greater than 95°C.

Monitor changes in the oil level in the suspension body oil storage chamber to ensure that the oil level is controlled within the specified range, and replace the engine oil regularly, with new oil after every 1500 hours.

Pay attention to the operating sound and vibration of the pump. If you find any abnormal sound or vibration, stop the pump immediately for inspection.

Never use the valve on the suction line to adjust the flow to avoid cavitation. The flow should be adjusted by adjusting the speed of the pump or the opening of the outlet valve.

启航彩The pump should not be operated below 30% of the design flow rate. If it must be used under such conditions, a bypass pipe should be installed on the outlet pipeline.

4. Operation and maintenance

启航彩Before starting the pump, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the backup pump to ensure correct operation according to the guidance of the operating procedures.

After starting the backup pump, wait until the rated speed is reached and the pressure is stable, then gradually open the outlet valve and adjust the valve to normal opening.

启航彩When switching pumps, ensure that the outlet valve of the original operating pump is closed, cut off the power supply, and then follow normal pump shutdown procedures.

Regularly check the temperature rise of the pump and motor, as well as changes in the oil level in the suspension chamber, to ensure good lubrication of the pump.

5. Safety precautions

No ferromagnetic impurities or particles can enter the magnetic actuator and bearing friction pair to avoid damaging the equipment.

When the outlet valve is closed, the continuous operation time of the pump shall not exceed 2 minutes to prevent the magnetic actuator from overheating and failure.

During the use of corrosion-resistant chemical pumps, the above precautions should be strictly followed to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the pump. Through regular inspection, maintenance and upkeep, the service life of the pump can be extended and production efficiency improved.


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